Category Archives: Write Group

Thanks to a Former Coworker and Still Friend

Today I met Lori, a former coworker and still friend, for lunch. We worked together for many years, me as a financial editor and she as tech support at a big-deal investment bank. Lori helped me out of many a PC jam, week in and week out. Time spent together created a friendship. We both left the big-deal investment bank many years ago, but we keep in touch. We are both writers, in addition to what else we are!

The last time Lori and I met for lunch she told me about The Write Group, an organization created by and for writers that meets in Northern New Jersey. She told me about the Saturday morning free write meet-ups and the weekly email newsletter. After that lunch I went home and signed up to receive the newsletter.

I love my Mac! My husband Mike surprised me with it. I kicked my PC to the curb and never looked back. The Best!

Today I thanked Lori for broadening my writing horizons. If Lori hadn’t told me about The Write Group I would not have had the opportunity to attend some of its Thursday night meetings like Social Media, Memoir Your Way to Freedom, and Legal Issues for Writers, to name three. I would not have learned about MEWS, an organization that was founded to bring together writers and editors in a Northern N.J. town. And then I wouldn’t have taken Pam Satran’s one-day novel writing class; I learned more in that one-day class than I have at any other writer’s gathering, ever.

During class I write long hand, which is NOT my preferred method.

And if I hadn’t attended these events and workshops I probably wouldn’t have signed up for the five-week free-write class I have been taking on Monday nights; it’s a challenge for someone like me, an editor, to sit and just write for 20 minutes without sneaking back and editing what I’ve just written. And it’s difficult for me to read what I’ve written out loud to my classmates. But I’m learning. I’m learning to let go of my old edit-as-I-go habit and I am conquering the fear that hits me every time I hear myself volunteering to read what I’ve just written in class.

I figure that if I can just write, as Pam Satran, the many writers I’ve met over the past year and my Monday night instructor and classmates say I should, then I will create something truly special.

First, write it down. Put all that wonderful stuff in your head onto paper or computer. All of it. Or as much as you have time to do in the time you have.

Second, edit it. But edit it at another time, a time far removed from the initial creative process. Assign a day or time to “just edit.”

<deep breath>

Now excuse me while I go practice what I just preached.

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Filed under Adventures of a Middle Age Mom, Friends, Write Group, Writing

The Write Group of Northern NJ

Montclair Patch, a New Source of Amusement and Inspiration

A friendly group of writers gets together weekly.

Last night I went to a meeting of the Write Group, a long-time Northern N.J. writer’s group that meets weekly in various formats to encourage writers to, well, write. Last evening’s topic was “Social Media” and Jaime Nelson ( was the presenter. She explained how writers can and should use social media to call attention to themselves and their writing. I loved the presentation and I loved Jaime, a warm, friendly young woman. If you live in Northern NJ and you’d like further information about the Write Group, give me a shout out. If you’d like to see Jaime’s Powerpoint presentation, click here: .

After the meeting I went online and checked out the Montclair Patch’s “Grouchy Jersey Girl” Josie Zeman at; I met Josie at the Write Group meeting last night. She’s a friendly woman with a sense of humor. When she mentioned that she writes for Montclair Patch, an on-line community news, events and information source, I was intrigued and wanted to read what she’s written. I wasn’t disappointed; her views of life and living as an older person made me smile. Her essay on “Why I Hate Traveling” reminded me of my Mom. Yes, she’s kinda grouchy, but in a humorous way.

I've found some new bloggers whom I really like!

While cruising around the Patch site I stumbled on “The View from the Middle” written by Jessica Wolf and I was captivated. I can so relate to her article “Putting the Great Back in Grateful.” Jessica writes about a time when she was hit really hard by life events and went down for the count. At the urging of a friend Jessica started a 40-day gratefulness journal to help her focus on things, people and events for which she is grateful rather than focusing on all the bad, the negative and depressing. She talks about how she thought the concept was kinda stupid, but how it ultimately helped her readjust. Intrigued I hopped to Jessica’s blog ( to read more of her musings. She nearly brought me to my knees a few times with her honesty. Her post on anger hit home. Hard. Ouch! I’m going back for more.

P.S. Tonight I’m attending a cooking party at my friend Gail’s home. A number of my Magnificent Seven friends are gathering so it’s sure to be a great time. I’m taking my new camera with me.

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Filed under Adventures of a Middle Age Mom, Aging, Blogs and Blogging, Jessica Wolf, Josie Zeman, Magnificent Seven, Montclair NJ Patch, New Jersey, Write Group