Tag Archives: used car purchase

More Vehicular Excitement: New Subaru in the Family!

Cash on the barrel and signing over the title.

This weekend my son Max came home from Big Ten College with one specific purpose: to pick up a car he purchased on eBay. He’s been looking for a vehicle for a while; he’s talked about buying everything from a used pickup truck to a used cop car (sans cop, of course!). My husband Mike and I sat back, listened to the pros and cons according to Max and waited to see what he would ultimately buy;I think I can speak for my husband Mike too when I say we are pleased with his choice. The Subaru can carry four large young men; it can carry Max’s stuff to and from Big Ten College with ease; and it handles well in adverse snow and rain conditions.

Max checked out the exterior of his new Subaru.

Max and I drove to New Hope, PA to pick the car up today. It was fun to watch Max’s excitement mount the closer we got. He talked strategy and double checked to make sure he had his new temporary insurance card and all while I talked “let’s make sure the lights light up, the horn works, and the tires are good.”

Max takes his new Subaru for a test drive.

Usually we tease Max that we barely see his pulse rise when exciting things happen in our family. His sister Tory said that when she called him a few hours after he began the drive back to Big Ten College that he sounded really excited and happy. She was happy for him. And I’m glad. I’m glad Max is excited. I’m glad Max purchased a car. I’m glad he can get to/from places without a lot of hassling with bus schedules, train schedules and the like. I love my son and I’m happy he’s happy. Mike, who is away in San Diego, CA having fun in the warm sunny weather (and working too) was sorry to miss the big day; he’s called me asking for details about Max’s new purchase; no telling how many times he’s talked to Max already!

© Adventures of a Middle Age Mom 2009-2012.

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Filed under Adventures of a Middle Age Mom, Car Shopping, Family, Max Returns, new car, Subaru